Sure! You are able to change your competitor’s timezone in your reports, and it is quite easy! 🕺🏻
Step 1:
Click on “Settings” and then it will directly navigate you to the "Brands" section on the following screen.
Step 2:
After clicking on "Brands," a new window with a profile overview shows you detailed information about your profile. Go to the “Competitor Analysis” section.
Step 3:
There you will see the competitors you have added before with details of them. To change the timezone of your competitors in your reports, click on the “Edit” icon.
Step 4:
On the opening screen, click on “Timezone” to define a new one for your competitors in your report.
Step 5:
The timezone menu will be visible for you to pick a new timezone. Select one and then hit the “Save” button! That’s it. 🤗